Making Your Courier Firm Secure

If you run a courier firm then you will already be aware of the importance of security. Not only are you handling a great volume of customer items each and every day but you also need to think about your premises and your vehicles. Below are some of the best ways to make your courier firm more secure.

Invest in CCTV

When you’re looking to make your premises secure then it’s an excellent idea to invest in CCTV cameras. CCTV cameras act as a deterrent to potential thieves and vandals while ensuring that if your premises was targeted, you would have recorded evidence of what happened. CCTV cameras can be purchased quite affordably now and there are many CCTV packages that are designed especially for businesses.

Make your premises hard to access

Making your premises hard to access is one of the best ways to protect your business. There are a few ways you can accomplish this. Barbed wire is traditional and effective but not every business owner likes the appearance of barbed wire all round their premises. An alternative to this is to have spikes installed along the top of the walls surrounding your premises. This is still effective and isn’t nearly as conspicuous as barbed wire.

Get the right cover

When you have multiple vehicles to insure then it’s essential that you go about it in the right way. Depending on the size of your operation you’ll likely have dozens, if not hundreds of vehicles to insure. The best way to do this is by getting a fleet policy. Fleet insurance is extremely beneficial when you have multiple vehicles to insure since you can get them all covered under the same policy. This not only makes things much easier to manage but it also usually works out much cheaper then insuring the vehicles individually.

It’s always a good idea to use a courier insurance comparison service that enables you to get multiple quotes quickly and easily.

Make your vehicles secure

Although getting insurance will ensure you’re compensated if anything happens to one of your vehicles, it’s still better to prevent the risk of theft to begin with. Ensuring that your vehicles are fitted with trackers and alarms will help to reduce the risk of theft. Good driver training is also important in this regard.